الجمعة، نوفمبر 14، 2008

Scenes3:: The Lake House::

Fuflilling my earlier promise to talk about that romance movie...Which is ::THE LAKE HOUSE::
Have u watched this movie?
If not, please watch the trailers,I'm not going to tell the story.

While watching this movie..you certainly will be confused..you will need to watch it again and again to understand what's going on!
I actually watched it twice, long time ago..I tried to watch it again today..but never succeded ,so excuse me writing from my memory!

Here we are....
...It's Romance
so it's all about feelings..you know someone somehow, feel something, live the experiment!
That's what people are used to, unless something happens!

This brings us to an important thing, which is , ::Fate& love::
The most persistant question at all!
This isn't the first movie dealing with this issue,the most popular movie about is ny favourite romance at all::Serendipity::

BUT..While serendipity is about discovering is their fate to live together or not..while the lake house,tells you the following:Nothing is going to stand in the way of love..even death!!
Right now you may be telling yourself:"yes, even death ""
all the famous love stories was ended by death,but love persisted in their tales!

Actually , what it really tells is not this!
it tells that ..fate cannot stand in the way of love!
this may be shocking, but yes....

There is this time gap between them,she lives in his future, as there is this time gap..no time machines ,just that mail box infront of the lake house, which is their contact way..they dated eachother,but he wasn't there, yet she discovered he was dead infront of her eyes!
so she goes to the lake house, write to him through the box, telling him to wait for her..and meet her at the lake house.He gets the message,wait for her, so he lives ,meet her.and love wins.

I hope my point is CLEAR.


هناك 4 تعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

تماما كما قلتي :
"السم في العسل"
و دى مش جديده عليهم ..

لا أخفي سرا لو قلت انى خفت لما شوفت الكلام انجليزى
بس الحقيقه كلاماتك سهله و ماوقفتش فى حاجه الحمد لله :D

والفيلم انتى كده هتخليني ماشوفهوش خالص
بنيتي مشاعر عدائيه بينى وبينه
و يارب ميكونش "سرينديبيتى" كده برضو

و الكلام اللى بالاحمر أهم حاجه فعلا
وغلطه شائعه
نندمج فى القصه وندافع عنها أيّا كانت

المهم النهايه عندك حلوه اوى :D

انا اتكلمت كتير

وزى مانتى أكيد عرفتى :


Rehab يقول...

الحمد لله انه سهل..بس انا حاسه انه تعبان:D
ليه متشوفيهوش؟
شوفيه ..ما يمكن انا فهمت غلط!
أو فلسفت الموضوع زيادة!
لا سيرنديبيتى غير الحقيقة..أرجح و بشدة أن تشاهديه:D

احمد حمدى سراج الدين يقول...

Although romance is the greatest feeling which everyone on this earth is searchung for,but that don't mean that we can ignore all other feeling loaded on our hearts as we should know that love come to the last pirotiy when we came to the facts
for example no one can stand on face of fast car and say WAWOoOo it will be a very romantic death
At the end, fantasitic idea
and very important CAUTION.
With all of my respect

Rehab يقول...

أحمد حمدى
It seems that u watched the movie!
He was supposed to die crushed by a car,while trying to say her hello!
yeah, we must be cautious watching TV..it builds part of our culture !
thx passing by:D